is the beginning of MY WEEKEND :)
ok no.maybe not this week. i've gotta go and order my materials tomorrow since they are closed for something, stock check or so. so here i am, on a thursday morning, at the faculty minding my own business doing my daily routine - blogging, facebooking, twittering, cam-whoring..well you get the idea right? i couldn't sleep in today, my stomach was rumbling. must've been the late dinner last night.
anyways i got up wee early in the morning without the use of my alarm. i peeked at the lab and found that neither of my fellow lab mates are in, yet. and so, i stationed myself in this cold room - the computer lab (since i've no proper table for myself here in the faculty just yet, this is my room).
so, i decided to clean up my bag. wanna take a peek? :)
so, i decided to clean up my bag. wanna take a peek? :)
mcm bersepah giler kan?
making myself feel at home :)
lab coat
the notebook!
lunch box! :P and green tea
(terlupa bawak botol air today)
walaupun tak bawa car,
car keys must bring along.
car keys must bring along.
and the trusty pendrive :)
room keys must bring!
sanitizer is a must!
bacteria-free hands :)
pencil box ku!
since my degree years.
so faded already kan?
me :)
ok.that is all.
bye! :)

pencil case???
more like a handbag!
it was originally a handbag. no i mean it is a handbag but i needed a pencil case so i bought it to be made into a pencil case.
that is a clutch. i also have the handbag. hehehehe.
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