Thursday, February 25, 2010


its waaaay past midnight, where everyone is almost falling asleep, when the pihak keselamatan oh-so-happily decided to have a fire drill practice. at first we thought it was just the alarm going off for no good reason (it has been going off for a few times this year) and so we didn't make it a point to change and go down to the designated area to save ourselves from getting burnt.

me and my rummie sat outside, watched as everyone else on our floor and block did the same, looking out at the rest, see what their reactions towards the annoying sound. some even thought of throwing something at it, but of course that would result in something more horrific.

after somewhat seemed like 5 minutes or so, everyone started getting dressed and rushing downwards, and so did we. we were fashionably late, as usual. we were the last ones from my block. hahaha. yes.

so it was just the typical fire drill. we were standing around laughing and talking about our outfits and all before the head of the floors were called up front for some head count or something. just to make sure no one is left behind (but im pretty sure there were many of them who ignored this and stayed inside their rooms quietly. feels soooo like boarding school all over again, not that i went to any. yeah. just a matter of speech).

as usual, being me, my typical self, i ended up taking pics. i forgot to bring down my camera (i didn't even bring down my purse, it it was a real fire, i wouldn't have hands to carry all my stuff). so i started capturing pics of the fire drill practice and all using my phone (that was the only thing i brought down).



adik jiha :)

room mates :)

k.yana :)

busana muslimah sejati



missyen said...

mak aii..zaman aku skolah je ad bnda ni..

:: arLynnE :: said...

tahuuuu tak peeee!!