block block block!
sometimes i don't see the point of these people blocking such things. social networks. blogs. do you know that we have a way through it? but non the less, it won't be much thrill anymore viewing when everytime you click on something new, this "web filter violation" thing comes up. EVERY SINGLE TIME. oh. however, i discovered that it only works during office hours. wtf? the downside to that is no/slow internet connection after office hours. how the hell are we suppose to do our work??
sudah la nak download journals kat sciencedirect punya lah slow! berzaman kot!
didn't you know that TIME IS MONEY???
this sucks big time
i might consider broadband sometime soon if this keeps up
grass cutter!!
walaupun bau rumput di potong itu bau feveret ku, akan tetapi ku BENCI jugak!!
anyways. today is my 3rd attempt to jog. i'm getting better at it. yesterday despite having the worst pain ever on both of my legs, i jogged. it took me 30mins or so i think to round the whole campus. i did walk alot too. penat ok? today if its not raining still, i might take off for a jog again.
exercise! EXERCISE!
ok lah.
bosan je entry ni.
hoho..7 ;p
hahah! yes! peka betol kamu ek? ahhaha.
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